Today’s economy has inspired a thrifty, do-it-yourself mentality that resonates with many Americans -; a trend that will no doubt carry into holiday gift-giving. In 2008, over 42.6 million households created handcrafted gifts, and no wonder — not only can handcrafted gifts recycle materials and save money, they also prove far more memorable than any department store gift card. “With tightening budgets, more innovative craft supplies and products, and greater inspiration coming from the DIY movement with TV, the Internet, and craft publications, we are experiencing a perfect storm for an incredible handcrafted holiday gift-giving season,” explained Craft & Hobby Association CEO Steve Berger. According to the CHA Designer Holiday Trend Report, we can expect to see several key trends in 2009’s holiday crafts:
– Give a gift, save the world. Eco-friendly gifts that repurpose or reuse items will prove popular. For example, crafters will transform old sweaters into patchwork blankets, stockings, bags and wreaths, or turn picture frames into ornaments.
– Knit up some nostalgia. Crafters will recreate simpler times with old-fashioned items and toys. The sock monkey, for example, has made a huge come-back with kids and is showing up in both traditional and non-traditional colors.
– Craft with your computer. Using the latest three-dimensional embellishments combined with downloaded images is part of a huge trend in the craft world. Hybrid crafting can be personalized by printing written phrases, names and dates, or decorating digital creations with large, thick and textured embellishments.
– Pick sophisticated colors. Red and green will remain popular this holiday season, but crafters will choose traditional hues like avocado, kelly green and forest green. Deep purple and chocolate will show up often, as will gold and silver, because they create a more expensive look.
– Appreciate a good motif. Popular holiday motifs will likely include happy snowmen, reindeer, vintage Santas, birds, snowflakes, trees and retro animals and teddy bears.